Food Sensitivity Facts - Sensitivity Check - Click to discover more

Food Sensitivity

Stop Food Sensitivities From Taking Control

At Test My Pets, we categorise intolerance as ‘food sensitivities’ which are usually found in food and non-food items that you may not be aware that your pet is suffering from. Although you may not know, they could be causing your animal painful symptoms. On this page, we will break down some of the most obvious symptoms for you.

Food sensitivities can affect your pet every day, and unlike food allergies can be something you have mistaken for excess gas or strange behaviour, however internally they may be causing larger issues.

How To Identify Food Sensitivities

Tracking food and non-food sensitivities can be difficult in animals as symptoms can be delayed by several hours, meaning we can misdiagnose something. A food diary and strict understanding of the contents and ingredients of an animal’s diet is required to ensure a possible trigger item is found.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to track food sensitivities as in an animal, what may not cause an issue in one pet, may cause excess gas in another. This means it can be harder to catch, particularly when multiple animals are eating the same meals, or living in the same space, and there is a range of symptoms presenting.

Common Food Sensitivity Symptoms

Food sensitives are notoriously difficult to track; however, these symptoms are commonplace when the causes are not eliminated from the foods below.




Dairy, soy, corn, gluten


Processed foods, cured meats

Weight Gain

Refined carbs, highly processed meats

Joint Pain and Muscle Aches

Gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, yeast

Behavioural Changes

Dairy, wheat, red meat

Skin Irritations

Highly processed meats, red meats, diary, egg

Take Back Control

Once you have chosen the Test My Pets bioresonance sensitivity testing for your pet, submitted your sample with the easy to download digital testing form, and received the results for your pet via email in 7 working days, you will have a list of items that you can start to eliminate from the animal’s diet, however, this can be very daunting when you initially read through the results.

Usually, an animal can actually ingest and be near items that it has shown a sensitivity to, however, when there is regular long-term consumption, or when the animal is in constant close proximity, the symptoms can become more severe. In these cases, food sensitives can then cause larger, more prominent illnesses to become apparent.

Taking The Next Step With Test My Pets

Once you have identified the items your animal needs to avoid with the easy to understand bioresonance comprehensive results, it’s time to take part in an elimination and reintroduction diet. The diets can range anywhere from 4 – 8 weeks, however, we usually recommend 21 days for the full process. It is easy to implement and once you start to reintroduce the items back into your animal’s diet slowly, you will find out which items are causing bigger reactions.
If you believe you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then we would recommend checking out the Test My Pets range of tests which caters for Dogs, Cats and Equine and all come with 24/7 LiveChat with trained professionals should you have any further questions.